Hello everyone! On February 10, we had a very productive meeting with new members. From what I gathered, we have a mix of people wanting to get involved with podcasts, sports radio, organization management, and behind-the-scenes operations. This is great and I’d love to get to work on all the things we want to do. We also have a temporary executive board through March until we officially elect new members.
If you are signed in to your Bradley Email, you can view the slideshow presented here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xqQyvCtT1G-Yy0LQUOoyAFVK_qDMrnZAcJdIRPNnrJU/edit?usp=sharing
I went over some brief history of The Edge and what activities they had done in each period. In the presentation I included some pictures of the studio taken that day. The studio is currently ready for podcasting/recording. Equipment failures are keeping us in mono. People looking to do a show and start a podcast or show must submit a simple proposal and agree to The Edge Code of Conduct. This ensures we utilize the equipment and our influence as broadcasters respectfully and responsibly.

To get involved with The Edge, we encourage you to join us on presence to get communications from us. We also have a GroupMe group chat. Here are just a few areas where you can get involved with The Edge:
- Start or join radio/podcast show
- Website/YouTube/Social Media management
- Organization Management: President, Treasurer, VP, Committee Chair, etc.
- Train others in audio/video recording and editing
- Studio Operations (technical and logistical)
One thing to note is this organization is very interdisciplinary. We aren’t made up of communication majors, CS majors, or any particular professional group. Lastly, listening and sharing The Edge’s content is a major way to contribute.
With more people and involvement, we may be able to do more than podcasts. We can upgrade studio equipment, get a music license, broadcast via the internet, operate 24/7 (with a variety of content), and more. The Edge’s success is determined by our listeners, members, and support from everyone. If you want to get involved, email butheedge[at]gmail.com or go to our Bradley.presence.io page.